Monday, June 28, 2010

How the puppies spent the day...

In the soft arms of my niece, Elora!  :) She's here with my mom all week so the puppies will all be getting LOTS of cuddles!

Week Four Candids - Part Six

And finally...the last ones!

Week Four Candids - Part Five

And still more...I did warn you...

Week Four Candids - Part Four

And still more...

Week Four Candids - Part Three

And still more...

Week Four Candids - Part Two

More photos from the weekend...

Week Four Candids - Part One

I'm going to put up a few batches of these...I took a lot of photos this weekend!  :)

Week Three Candids

Here are some candids that I didn't get a chance to upload last week.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A BIG weekend for the babies!!

Wow!  What a big weekend for the babies!  There was all sorts of goings on here at Rancho Tienlung!  LOL

First, everyone had their first REAL bath.  It was nice to see that all of the puppies took well to the experience with none of them scrabbling to get out of the sink.  They enjoyed the mini massage that comes along with any good shampoo!

And then...

After they were all clean and reasonably dry, the babies got to experience their first nap in a crate.  I put in a clean stuffy for them to cuddle with, and as each puppy was washed and dried, I popped them in the crate.  No fuss, no muss...just went right to sleep.  I left them there for a good hour or so until they were completely dried. 

And then...

They had a visit from our friend Christine - she cuddled and Oh'd over the babies. The more hands that touch the better!

And then...

We had company today - my friend Sheri with her 5 year old Helena, her three year old Kayle and her 4 month old Victoria came for a visit.  The kids haven't had much exposure to dogs, but it didn't take long for them to warm up to the puppies!

And then...(yes, I'm a fan of the movie "Dude, Where's My Car".  :)

All the babies had their first nail dremmel done!  They were all very good, weren't afraid of the dremmel at all and held nice and still while I shaved off all eight little stubby toenails!

I don't know about you, but I'm done!  I got some photos of the puppies outside this afternoon (yet another little adventure!) and I'll try and get them posted tomorrow.  I'm about four days behind on getting photos organized and up so look for a number of posts with lots of photos!

Night all!  Have a great day tomorrow.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Aunty, I mean Aunty Vala

So yesterday Aunty Vala got to go in and visit with Lily's babies.  She was actually very gentle, except the few times the puppies nuzzles her practically nonexistent nipples and she whipped herself around to put her nose to nose with the cheeky puppy.  :) 

And most of the photos, you'll find various amounts of "Vala foam" decorating the puppies.  She was awfully excited (puppies are cool toys, you know!) and got a bit frothy around the edges. 

All in all it was a great experience for everyone - Vala got to be the object of the puppies' affection and she got to *think* about squishing the movable squeaky toys! 

Here are some photos from the moment...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Yum Yum!

Well, though it's earlier than I like, I've started Lily's babies on whole food.  They're getting about an ounce of raw hamburger twice per day.  Since the little buggers have been in Lily's food bowl since they were big enough to pull themselves up and into a dog bowl, I didn't figure it was going to hurt too much to start them a touch early.

I'll be keeping them to just two very small feedings for the next week or so - just enough food to take the "edge off" their hunger so they don't chew the crap out of Lily's boobs.  It's a bit of a vicious cycle...when the puppies get teeth, they start chewing on the momma's boobs,  Because that hurts (ouch!), the momma is less eager to go in with her babies to feed them.  Because they're getting fed less often, the babies are more hungry, which means they are more vicious to that tender "milk bar".  Vicious cycle that seems to be happily ended with just two little meals a day.  Lily has been very happy to go in with her babies today, so that's good progress!

Oh...and did I happen to mention that every one of the little piglets hoovers their little bit of hamburger faster than you can say, "snot"?  /grin

Look for updated photos of each of the kids on the weekend.  I'm having company on the weekend so I'll have extra hands to help get photos!  :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tiger by the tail...

This puppy was catching a few Z's with Tigger.  :)

Sunshine and green!

I took the puppies out for some time in the sun and the green grass.  They enjoyed themselves!  :)